Infrastructures, services, and resources: Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Materials Technologies (8209)
The headquarters of the Doctorate School of the University of Cadiz is located on the first floor of the Hospital Real building, Plaza Falla No. 8, in Cadiz. It is a rehabilitated historic building, and in it is installed a good part of the centralized services of the University, which share a modern and appropriate infrastructure for the management of these services and the development of the activity of the management team. As for the rest of the material resources necessary for the development of teaching and research, the Ph.D. student will have the specific infrastructure required, according to their activities, within the framework of the four campuses of the University of Cadiz (network connection, study spaces, multimedia classrooms, meeting rooms, libraries, laboratories, etc.), since the management model of these resources at the University of Cadiz is organized in an open manner and with the aim of maximum rationalization and efficiency.
To this end, the University has two platforms, the Center of Attention to the User and the Computer System of Reserve of Resources.
The Customer Care Center (CAU) is the electronic instrument that the University of Cadiz has to send the letter of services offered to its users in a unique, clear, and transparent way and provide them with a clear point of reference where to direct their requests. The CAU is the single window of the services of the UCA that speeds up the processing of administrative applications and services, thus providing the user with a unique system for its implementation and monitoring.
The Computer System of Resource Reservation (SIRE) allows each user to make the reservations they need of any resource available in any of the Campuses (classrooms and audiovisual media) for their teaching and research activity and always in accordance with the applicable regulations of use of resources of the University of Cadiz and the corresponding rules of the centers.
In the approval of the work plan of the Ph.D. student, the Academic Committee of this Doctorate Program will take into account the adequacy of the resources available to the nature of the research activity proposed, and if other specific resources are required, these must be specified in the plan.
For the administrative management of the studies assigned to the School of Doctorate of the University of Cadiz, it has the facilities and staff of the Postgraduate Coordination Office, which currently has its own team of six posts with management tasks, structured as follows
In this sense, the Internal Regulations of the School of Ph.D. Studies of the University of Cadiz, in its Second Additional Provision, provides that the University of Cadiz will ensure the attachment to the School of the Administration and Services Staff that contributes to ensuring its proper functioning, defining their functions in accordance with the needs of the Center defined in these Regulations. Initially, the administrative management of the School of Ph.D. Studies will be attended to with the personnel of the Postgraduate Coordination Office, in the terms that the Vice-Rector of Teaching and Training orders it.
Other material resources
The University of Cadiz makes a transversal use of all the material resources that are available to the university community regardless of its affiliation to one or another degree, Faculty, or Campus. In each of the four Campuses into which the University of Cadiz is divided, an administrator is directly responsible for the management of the spaces and resources of the Campus.
You can consult all the material resources available on each of the four campuses in the following links:
The UCA library on the Puerto Real Campus is located in its own building of 2736 m2 and has 390 reading posts and 2595 linear meters of shelving, of which 1595 m are free access, and 1000 m are for storage. The bibliographic collection, which consists of a total of 74,250 monographs and more than 1,000 periodicals, covers the knowledge areas of the centers it serves. In addition, the Library offers the following resources:
These spaces can be booked quickly and easily through the website There are also 35 computers available to users, 60 portable computers for loan and 60 readers, various players (microfiches, videos, etc.), and two auto-loan banks. The electronic facilities for access to information, with 58,930 electronic journals, stand out: see and The UCA Library has distinguished itself by a trajectory of excellence, achieving in 2011 the seal of accreditation +500, the maximum granted, ( by the European Foundation for Quality Management.
Study rooms
The Ph.D. students of the Program in Nanoscience and Materials Technology develop their activity in the laboratories of the Research Groups, Central Services, and IMEYMAT. The Research Groups have study spaces for Doctorate students on the premises of the University Departments. On the other hand, students can use, like the rest of the University Community, the Study Rooms available in the whole network of UCA Libraries, as well as the Study Room available in the Faculty of Sciences.
Additionally, students have access to all the Study Rooms of the UCA, whose locations and schedules are published on the Student website
Virtual communications spaces
– Wireless networks (Wi-Fi) with three differentiated sub-networks for general student use (ucAirPublica), University staff use (ucAir), and scientific community visitors use (EduRoam) The coverage of the network is excellent throughout the UCA.
– Virtual Campus of the University of Cadiz,
Since its creation in the 2004-2005 academic year, it has constituted a service for the support of teaching and research of the entire university community, giving support to 3000 courses, 1600 teachers and 20,000 students, registering an average of 13,500 accesses per day. In the academic year 2018-19, the version of the Moodle program that supports the service has been updated, adapted to the UCA community. The access has been optimized for different types of terminals, including tablets and mobiles.
Users have access to services to solve doubts or receive technical support through:
– CAU, Virtual Campus user support center:
– E-mail:
– Videos to help with FAQs:
– Videoconference and Tele-teaching at the University of Cadiz. The institution has implemented a video conferencing system of easy use and access, the page itself, you can access directly to the instructions for use.
– Digital Resources Center. The UCA also has a CDR, q, that offers coverage and support to the teaching staff for the production of digital content oriented to teaching. Support is also provided for the creation of collaborative virtual work environments, such as the platform, among others.
The UCA has 9,360 m2 of research laboratories on the Puerto Real Scientific and Technological Campus.
The Doctorate Program in Nanoscience and Materials Technology is taught at the Faculty of Science of the UCA. Thus, the University of Cadiz and therefore the PD has the Central Service of Scientific and Technical Research (SCICYT), located in the same Faculty building. The facilities were expanded in 2011 and rehabilitated in their initial facilities in 2016, so that both the Faculty of Sciences, as well as the Central Services have renovated spaces that can be described as excellent.
Specifically, the Research Laboratories of the Groups whose professors participate in the Doctorate Program are available.
FQM110 | Solid Chemistry and Catalysis Web: | |
FQM154 | Physical properties of amorphous solids Web: | |
FQM166 | Simulation, characterization and evolution of materials Web: | |
FQM249 | Environmental Science and Instrumentation Web: | |
FQM334 | Structure and chemistry of nanomaterials Web: | |
FQM335 | Applied magnetism and optics Web: | |
TEP115 | Processing of new materials via Sol-gel Web: | |
TEP120 | Materials Science and Engineering Web: | |
TEP128 | Supercritical Fluid Process Analysis and Design Web: | |
TEP243 | Molecular Sieves and other Nanomaterials Web: | |
TEP946 | Materials and nanotechnology for innovation (INNANOMAT) Web: | |
Central Scientific and Technical Research Service
Certified with ISO 9001:2008, the Central Scientific and Technical Research Service occupies an area of approximately 1200 m2, which houses most of the significant research teams of the UCA, has 10 divisions that serve the research groups of this University, other public research bodies, and private companies.
These 10 divisions are: Biomolecule Analysis and Confocal Microscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (where several diffractometers are located, as well as an X-Ray Fluorescence equipment), Mass Spectrometry, Atomic Spectroscopy (ICP, AAS, ICP-MS), Electronic Microscopy (offering 2 scanning and 4 transmission microscopes), Additive Manufacturing, Sample Preparation for Optical and Electronic Microscopy, XPS Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Liquid Nitrogen and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (including 300 MHz and 400 MHz NMR). (CCMM and Environmental CC). (Evidence: Among the Microscopes, the TITAN THEMIS 60-300 equipment stands out. It is a unique infrastructure with an atomic resolution both in image mode and in terms of analytical facilities.
Research Institute of Electronic Microscopy and Materials (IMEYMAT)
Institute created to support and give impetus to research activities in the field of materials and their applications The vast majority of the PD’s teaching staff in Nanoscience and Materials Technology is part of IMEYMAT. IMEYMAT researchers are users of different scientific equipment with a value that reaches 25 million euros.
Equipment of IMEYMAT and its Research Groups | 12.000.000 € |
Electronic Microscopy Division of SC-ICYT | 8.000.000 € |
Solid Sample Preparation Laboratory for Microscopies of the SC-ICYT | 1.000.000 € |
SC-ICYT Additive Manufacturing Division | 1.000.000 € |
X-Ray Diffraction and Atomic Spectroscopy Divisions of SC-ICYT | 2.000.000 € |
CAI Supercomputing Hardware: Research Support Cluster | 1.000.000 € |
For further details, please follow the links below:
Access to equipment thtough cooperation networks
The Ph.D. Program, through its links with the University Institute of Research in Electron Microscopy and Materials, has access to cooperation networks, which opens the possibility of accessing the equipment of different international laboratories.
– European Network of Materials Research Centres:
– Spanish Society of Materials:
– Microscopy Society of Spain:
Likewise, through the development of different European research projects, there is access to the facilities and other research facilities of the European laboratories that participate in them in collaboration with the laboratories of the Doctorate Program at the UCA.