Research plan and document of activities of the doctoral student
Before the end of the first year from their registration (preferably in the first six months from their registration), the doctoral student will draw up a Research Plan that will include at least a summary of the research that they intend to carry out, a description of the background, the methodology to be used, the objectives to be achieved and the available literature briefly commented. The referred Plan will also describe the means available to carry it out and a proposal of temporary planning for its achievement. This plan can be improved and detailed throughout the doctorate’s stay in the program and must be endorsed by the tutor and the director. The changes that are made must be clearly indicated, and the meaning of the change made must be justified.
Once registered in the Doctorate Program, a personalized Activities Document will be elaborated for each doctorate student and materialized in electronic support (a link to a model of Activities Document is attached), in which all the activities of interest for the development of the doctorate student will be registered according to the regulations of the Doctorate Committee of the University of Cadiz and will be regularly revised, together with the Research Plan, by the tutor and the thesis director and evaluated by the academic committee responsible for the doctorate program. They will have access to the document, for consultation and incorporation of records, according to their competences:
– The doctoral student himself/herself
– Your tutor and/or thesis advisor
– The coordinator of the Ph.D. program
– Where appropriate, the management bodies of the Doctoral School responsible for the program
– The Doctorate Committee of the University of Cadiz
– The administrative unit responsible for doctoral studies at the University of Cadiz
– The panel evaluating the thesis will have the document of activities of the doctoral student, with the training activities carried out by the doctoral student.
This document will not give rise to a quantitative score but will constitute a qualitative evaluation instrument, which will complement the evaluation of the Ph.D. thesis.