Specific entry requirements: Ph.D. in Nanoscience and Materials Technologies (8209)
Following the provisions of Article 12 of Regulation UCA/CG06/2012, the academic committees of the doctoral programs may establish additional requirements and criteria for the selection and admission of students in the case of different admission profiles. These criteria must be included in the corresponding verification reports of the programs.
Students must hold at least one university degree in the field of “Science” or “Engineering and Architecture.” In the particular case, that the student intends to access under the circumstances contemplated in Art. 6.2.b. of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates formal doctoral studies, without the degree being completed that includes training credits in research equivalent in training value to the credits from master’s studies, the student must complete the corresponding training complements.
The principles of objectivity, impartiality, merit, and ability will be followed in the selection process, and the following criteria will be taken into account:
Criterion 1: Academic training. The Academic Committee will evaluate the academic records of the degree and master’s degree as well as the adequacy of a student training to the line of research in which it will develop its research work.
Criterion 2: Research merits. For these merits to be considered by the program’s Academic Committee, the applicant must unequivocally justify the link between the program and the future development of their research.
Criterion 3. Link through scholarship or contract to the University of Cadiz
Criterion 4. A commitment to the thesis direction by a renowned researcher.
Criterion 5. Feasibility and suitability to the lines of research of the research work program. For its evaluation, the applicant must present a summary of the work to be carried out, which must be endorsed by the researcher who proposes to direct it.
To quantify the above criteria, the Academic Committee will apply the following score to the various merits claimed by the applicants:
- Academic record (average score): A range between 0 and 4 will be established, with 0 being the minimum score required to pass the Bachelor and Master studies and 4 the maximum rating that can be achieved. When the applicant has a degree, (degree or master) not considered very close to the program, the score will be multiplied by 0.5.
- Curriculum vitae: Research merits related to the research lines of the program will be valued up to 1 point.
- Link through scholarship or contract to the University of Cadiz: Up to 1 point.
- Present the endorsement from a recognized prestige Researcher, preferably from the doctoral program, with availability to assume the direction or co-direction of the thesis: Up to 3 points.
- Evaluation of the research work to be developed and its adaptation to the program: Up to 1 point.
Admission to the Program will require a minimum score of 6 points.
The admission criteria will be familiar to both full-time and part-time students, who will have to establish and justify their dedication in the application for admission.
From the pre-registrations presented, the Academic Committee of the Doctorate Program, which will regulate the entire admission process, will apply the assessment criteria and will publish a provisional list of those admitted, according to the calendar published for this purpose, using the University of Cádiz doctoral telematics administration. After the phase of allegations and resolution of the same, the definitive list of admitted students to the Doctorate program will be published through the same procedure used with the provisional decision.
Complements of Training
In the particular case, that the student intends to access under the circumstances contemplated in Art. 6.2.b. of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, which regulates official doctoral studies, without the degree being completed that includes training credits in research equivalent in training value to the credits coming from master’s studies, the student must complete the corresponding training complements”, consisting of an introductory work to research.