Control and follow-up procedures for the doctoral candidate
Responsabilities of the Academic Committee of the Ph.D. Program in supervising doctoral students
According to Article 7 of Regulation UCA/CG06/2012 of 27 June 2012, which regulates the organization of doctoral studies at the University of Cadiz, the academic committee is the body responsible for defining the doctoral program, its updates, quality, and coordination, as well as the progress of research and training of each doctoral student of the program.
In the area of supervision of the Doctorate Program, it corresponds to the Academic Committee:
– Organizing, designing, and coordinating the training and research activities of the doctoral program.
– To control compliance with the procedures for assigning the tutor and the director, the preparation of the document of activities of each doctoral student, the annual assessment of the research plan and the document of activities of the doctoral student, the control of the quality of the Ph.D. thesis and the assessment of the activities to promote multiple direction and supervision of the Ph.D. thesis. To carry out these functions, it can appoint a monitoring committee.
– Organizing the doctoral student mobility program and analyzing its results
– planning the acquisition of skills for both full-time and part-time doctoral students
– Ensure the follow-up of doctoral graduates from the program.
– Authorize the incorporation of new professors to the doctoral program and the collaboration of professionals in specific activities.
– To coordinate the management of applications for public or private aid to the program, its students and researchers, aimed at promoting mobility, internationalization, or excellence.
– Resolve any doubts or controversies that may arise in the development of the doctoral program.
– Other functions that may be assigned to it by the doctoral school or the center to which the doctoral program or some of its lines of research are attached.
In relation to doctoral students, the following functions correspond to this committee:
– To establish the methodological and scientific training complements for doctoral students, according to the access profiles.
– Assigning doctoral students to the tutor and/or thesis supervisor.
– To authorize part-time doctoral studies and the extension of the deadline for submitting the Ph.D. thesis. To grant temporary leave of absence from the doctoral program.
– To annually evaluate the Research Plan and the document of activities of the doctoral students, together with the reports of the tutors and the thesis advisors, to submit them to the Doctorate Committee of the University of Cadiz, which will assume the certification of the data obtained and its presentation and publication.
– To ensure that the thesis meets the requirements indicated in these regulations and that it has passed the required quality control, authorizing, if necessary, its presentation.
– Authorize the thesis to compete for an International Mention.
– To propose the members of the tribunal that will evaluate the Ph.D. thesis, for its appointment by the Doctorate Committee of the University of Cadiz.
– The authorization, monitoring, and control of the Ph.D. thesis in a coterminous regime.